Pope John Paul II relics stolen from Italian church

Pope John Paul II Blood Relic Stolen by Satanists!  

Relics include bodies, bones, blood, and ashes of saints, heroes, martyrs, founders of religious traditions, and other holy men and women.  Relics can also be objects they once owned and, by extension, things that were once in physical contact with them. 

According to the principles of contagious magic, any personal possession or part of a person's body can be thought of as equivalent to his whole self, no matter how minute it may be, or how detached in time and space.  Thus a bone, a hair, a tooth, a garment, a footprint can carry the power or saintliness of the person with whom they were once associated and make him or her "present" once again.(1)

With February 1st being the beginning of the Satanic New Year and January 30th being a Black Moon, this is the time that magic spells and incantations work best. Satanists are celebrating their “new year” on Feb. 1 and are believed to celebrate “black masses” using Catholic symbols to mock observant Christians.  They possibly required the "presence" of a holy person.

Sources:  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S88wMFe-gWc&list=UUxwctWQcC5k3i1r8ylxUoEA&feature=c4-overview
(1) "The FINAL Pope Is Here Petrus Romanus" by Thomas Horn & Chris Putnam, Defender, pp309-310.

Tags:  blood, relic, Satanists, Pope John Paul II


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