Pope Francis oversees release of peace doves; birds get attacked

Pope Francis was the king of public relations in 2013, but something went terribly wrong for the pontiff today. In the window at St. Peter's Square, he stood beside two children, who each released "peace doves" over the crowd. But shortly thereafter, a crow and a seagull attacked the birds in front of thousands of people.


Crows are associated with war and death. Seagulls are associated with pestilence.  "Seagulls were sent by the Great Creator to purify the pestilence." (Bobby Lake-Thom/Spirits of the Earth)

My Thoughts:

With all the problems and talk about wars and peace deals in the Middle East, the Pope symbolizes that peace is what we should all strive for, so he releases two doves.  To me this signifies that two (or more) countries should be at peace with each other. But then comes along Death and Pestilence to mire the process.  Satan and his demons are alive and well on planet Earth. On the other hand this could have been just an unfortunate mishap for the doves and the other birds that frequent the area were just hungry.  But, please notice that in the video the dove that was attacked by the crow probably was killed as it "was pecked numerous times."  While the dove that was attacked by the seagull did manage to escape and flew off, whereabouts unknown.  Unfortunate mishap or omen?  What are your thoughts?

Sources:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=IWRMwERB45k

Tags:  Pope, doves, war, peace, sign of the times


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