Published on Jul 7, 2014 In a radio interview in 1996 Dr. Malachi Martin expresses clues to the public announcement of the Anti-Christ and May already be here also MY THOUGHTS More about the late Dr. (Father) Malachi Martin and his prediction about the Antichrist can be found in the best seller Petrus Romanus The Final Pope Is Here by Thomas Horn & Cris Putnam, Defender Publishing, Crane, MO (see my recommended reading list on this blog). See chapters 3 and 4 specifically. From the Back Cover " The Enthronement of the Fallen Archangel Lucifer was effected within the Roman Catholic Citadel on June 29, 1963; a fitting date for the historic promise about to be fulfilled. As the principal agents of this Ceremonial well knew, Satanist tradition had long predicted that the Time of the Prince would be ushered in at the moment when a Pope would take the name...
There has been a lot of talk and discussion about the Blood Moons phenomenon this year. Every time you turn around someone's posting a video or blog about them. But what does this mean to you, to Israel, or to the world? We know the first blood moon is April 15, 2014. And that is the date on the Gregorian calendar. This is the calendar you and I use every day. Basically, it is the world's calendar. But there is another calendar, the Hebrew calendar used by Israel. However, the Hebrew calendar is God's calendar. So, April 15, 2014 is also Nisan 15, 5774 which seems strange to us, but not to God or the Jews. God has been using His calendar since the beginning of time! In the Bible when God was freeing the Israelites from Egypt, He told Moses about His 'feasts' and 'seasons', which in Hebrew is translated as the word 'moed'. Moed means 'divine appointment'. So, the first divine appointment is ...
Published on Nov 13, 2015 Earlier this morning a piece of space junk called WT1190F entered Earth's atmosphere and disintegrated. Source: Find Me & Follow Me: **ShantiUniverse's Videography gofundme: *Handmade Jewelry by ShantiUniverse: *Subscribe so you won't miss my YouTube Live Stream Events! Check out my website for latest News: Download the ShantiUniverse Ap for iphone & Android:
Video provided by Shanti Universe, Many thanks.