Will The 'Real' Noah Please Stand Up!

No historical character is getting as much attention in the movie business these days as the Bible's Noah, who now has not one, but two movies being released about him on March 28th.

One film, of course, is the $125-million blockbuster "Noah" from Paramount Pictures, featuring actor Russell Crowe in the title role.


The second film is from Christian evangelist and filmmaker Ray Comfort, who boasts, "Theirs is a fake Noah; ours is the real thing."

Comfort's movie, "Noah and the Last Days," however, will go beyond retelling the tale of the famous Ark builder to reveal how the ancient story applies to both today and the near future, which Comfort says is being revealed through biblical prophecies, indicating the return of Jesus Christ's coming soon.

They [Hollywood] have no qualms about sensationalizing the story of Noah in order to make it more profitable.  That's their bottom line," Comfort told ASSIST News about the Paramount picture.  "But the movie strays so far from the biblical account that it omits its essential message:  God's judgment for man's sin and evil.  Taking 'poetic license' on this story further erodes the public's perception of the biblical account and of the Bible in general.

That's why we produced our version on Noah, people were going about their daily lives, not mindful of the impending destruction that was coming in the flood that would wipe out nearly all life on earth.

People love prophecy, Christians and non-Christians.  No one can predict the future.

Matthew: 24:36
However, no one knows the day or the hour when these things will happen, not even the angels in heaven or the Son himself.  Only the Father knows.

"Only God knows the future, and that fascinates all of us," Comfort continued.  "So we're very excited to bring "Noah and the Last Days" out.

There has been significant controversy surrounding Noah lately, as an early version of Paramount's script revealed the screenplay focused on themes of environmentalism and human overpopulation.  The early script even portrayed Noah intending to kill his offspring in order to save the planet from the plague of humanity.

But Paramount Pictures has since insisted the screenplay was only an early draft and not reflective of the finished product.

"Noah" director Darren Aronofsky reassured The Hollywood Reporter  the themes of the film "are very much in line with themes of the Bible."

The film is inspired by the story of Noah.  While artistic license has been taken, we believe that this film is true to the essence, values and integrity of a story that is a cornerstone of faith for millions of people worldwide.  The biblical story of Noah can be found in the book of Genesis.

What can you do now to survive the end of the world that both futurists and the Bible say is coming?  To survive the end of the world is to watch, be ready, and choose now which side you are on.  Who you will believe and serve?

Christian author C.S. Lewis wrote, "God will invade...When that happens, it is the end of the world [as we know it].  When the author walks onto the stage the play is over.  God is going to invade, all right, but...this time it will be God without disguise; something so overwhelming that it will strike either irresistible love or irresistible horror into every creature.  It will be too late then to choose your side...It will be the time when we discover which side we really have chosen, whether we realized it before or not.  Now, today, this moment, is our chance to choose the right side.

If you're looking for spectacular special effects, the most complex scene ever created by Industrial Light & Magic and a story line inspired by the account of Noah and the Ark on which Darren Aronofsky hangs his own message, enjoy 'Noah,'" Stone told WND.  "But don't look to if for biblical accuracy.  Why would you expect that?"


How can you be sure which is the real story?  Hollywood's glamour of facts and diligent research?  Read and study the Word of God, and pray...then decide.

Genesis 6 - 9

Don't ignore the birth pains:  earthquakes, sinkholes, polar vortex weather, comets, hurricanes, solar flares and the list goes on.  God is sending planet earth a message!  Don't be caught unaware.  Time may be very short.


Jesus Christ is coming again.

All scripture taken from the Holy Bible (NLT) International Bible Society, Tyndale House Pub. Inc.
Tags:  Noah, flood, Bible, birth pains, movie, Jesus, last days, end times


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