1. The REAL Mount Sinai 2. The REAL Exodus Location AND PROOF 3. Ipuwer Papyrus: PROVING The Biblical Exodus Is TRUE 4. Famine Stele: PROVING The Seven-Year Famine Of Egypt "Just because it's hidden, doesn't mean it doesn't exist!" What "archeologists," "scientists," "expert scholars," and "theologists" DON'T want you to know is that the Biblical Exodus AND the Crossing of the Red Sea DID in fact happen. And, even worse, these "experts" KNOW FULL WELL that this WAS and IS an ACTUAL Historical Event, and that Scripture is in fact TRUE! But they have done a great job conspiring to hide ALL the evidence from you, suppressing the Truth, subjugating you with their lies, and purposefully purporting made-up lies and false evidences for centuries now... just to support their own conjured lies. UNTIL TODAY!!!!!!! For many years, we have been brainwashed into believing that the Biblical Mount Sinai is located at the ...