As It Was in the Days of Noah
A life-sized replica of Noah's Ark -- the biblical vessel on which God saved people and animals when the earth was flooded as punishment for mankind's sins -- is coming to the U.S. and is expected to draw more than a million Americans every year. The story of "Noah" is coming to the big screen, too. Hollywood used models, sets, stages and other tricks of the movie trade to create those stunning images. But what's being planned by Answers in Genesis ministry chief Ken Ham will not be a model, a set or a stage, and it will not be a trick produced by a camera. It will be a life-size version of Noah's Ark, at 510 feet long, 85 feet wide and three stories high, and it will be used as an evangelism tool in his outreach to unbelievers. He announced that funding for the first phase has been put in place, and groundbreaking on the project is expected in only weeks -- sometime in May. The Ark Encounter will be built on 800 acres adjacent to Interstate 75 a...